Pumps - Submersible

Choosing the right water pump for your pond can make all of the difference in the world. Just because a pump may cost less to buy, it is not always the way to go.

The most important thing to remember is the electrical usage when looking for a water pump for your pond.

In order to maintain a healthy environment for your Koi pond or water garden, you MUST run your water pump through your filter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

So it is important to pick the right water pump for your Koi pond or water garden. Water pumps have variances in electrical usage and electrical costs.

The Benefits of Submersible Pond Pumps.

For understandable reasons, a submersible pump derives its name because it is designed to be placed in the pond, and submerged under the water.

Submersible Pond Pumps are the easiest of all pumps to install. Installations require no more than attaching a hose to the waterfall, or to a submersible filter, and then just drop the submersible pump in the water and plug it in - and you’re ready to do.

Submersible Pond Pumps range in size, or gallons per hour, from 50 GPH all the way up to 50,000 gallons per hour, but for most ponds - pumps anywhere from 350 GPH to 4000 GPH will be sufficient.

Pumps - Submersible

Submersible Pond Pumps are the easiest of all pumps to install.