Koi Pond Aeration

How to Aerate a Backyard Fish Pond
Should I aerate my koi pond?
Although you can oxygenate a backyard Koi pond with your waterfall pump, as many of us do, what happens if your waterfall pump stops working? A pond air pump for koi ponds will keep bubbles (oxygen) and water movement in the pond to keep your pond fish alive for many weeks!

A pond air pump benefits your pond and water in a couple different ways. First, koi pond air pumps work by circulating water. The small bubbles coming from the pond air stone actually bring water with them as the bubbles rise to the surface creating water lift and circulation. This brings the bottom low dissolved oxygen pond water up to the water surface where there is more oxygen. Adding more oxygen and movement to your pond water is especially important during the hot summer months or if you pond has a lot of fish in it.

These air pumps are also great as a emergency back up In the case of a submersible pond pump or external koi pond pump failure, air pump will save the day! Plug it into a different outlet/circuit from the main fish pond water pump if possible. This is because the most common problem with submersible koi pond pumps when they break is that they starting tripping the GFI outlet that they are plugged into. Having a air pump to rely on will keep your fish alive and well while you look into the main waterfall pump problem and allow to time to have one shipped to your home. Other uses for aeration pumps for your pond includes using them for a pond cleaning while your fish are in a holding tank. A pond air pump is a must for every backyard koi pond fish keeper!

A pond air pump can also be used during the winter months for those that turn off the main waterfall pump in areas where winters are more harsh. In this case, move the air stone up to a shallow edge in your pond that is about a foot deep. The bubbles will help to keep a small section of ice open in your pond. The circulation and bubbles created by the pump and air stone will also help with gas exchange since the majority of he pond may be covered in ice.