Koi Foods and Nutrition

Feeding your koi or goldfish is one of the most enjoyable times you will spend with your pond. It provides the opportunity to bond with, tame and train your fish.

Always place the koi food in the same place each time you feed you fish. This way the fish learn that when you are in this spot, it means they will be fed. Soon you can train them to eat out of your hand.

Koi will eat both animal and vegetable matter which makes them omnivorous. They do not have stomachs so they can not eat a large amount of food at one time.

This is the reason Koi spend a great deal of time foraging around for Koi food. They will actually eat just about anything that is small enough for them to swallow whole.

Because fish are natural foragers, we recommend several small feedings per day, rather than one larger one.

Only feed enough for the fish to consume within about five minutes. When switching foods, feed a mixture of old and new foods for several days to allow the fish to become accustomed to the new diet.

Many Koi owners do not realize the importance of feeding. Not only must consideration be given to the amount and time of feeding, but to the combinations of foods that are essential for healthy and colorful Koi.

Water Temp. (°F.)Feeding FrequencyFood Type
Less than 50ºF.Do not feed Koi.Temperatures at 50° F. of more than one month may require supplemental feedings of low protein and high carbohydrates.
50-55ºF2-3 times a week if Koi are hungry.High carbohydrate, low protein, laxative type foods. Wheat germ, Cheerios®, squash, lettuce and brown bread.
55-59ºF4-5 times per week if Koi are hungry.Add low protein (25%) pellets along with vegetables. Increase quantities gradually as temperature increases.
59ºFOnce per day six days per week.Low protein (25%) pellets along with high carbohydrate vegetables and fruit.
60-65ºFOnce per day every day.Gradually increase protein in pellets (35%) and quantity of pellets. Vary diet with vegetables and fruit.
65-72ºFOnce or twice per day.Bulk of diet should be 35% protein pellets. Add fruits, vegetables, and plankton for variety.
72-80ºF3 to 4 times per day.High protein pellets (35% to 40%) with color enhancers. Add plankton, vegetables, fruits, and shrimp.

Koi Foods and Nutrition

Koi and Goldfish Food, Beni Koi Food, Holistic Koi Food, Tomagai Koi Food, Emperors Choice Koi Food, Hikari Koi Food, Manda Fu,Legacy Microbe-Lift Koi Food, Ult