During the cooler months of fall and spring, when water temperatures are below 64°F (18°C), your Koi’s metabolism will slow. It is essential that your koi be offered a diet that is not only easy to digest, but also nutritionally balanced to maintain the overall health and condition of your koi.
Ultra Balance Premium Wheat Germ diet is a nutritionally balanced diet with natural color enhancers. When fed as directed, this diet will provide the 5 essential Key nutrient requirements for your koi during the cooler water temperatures below 64°F (18°C), maintaining the overall health, condition, and colors of your koi.
Ultra Balance Wheat Germ is formulated for increased digestibility for improved water quality to assist in preventing digestive disorders and illness that may occur during times of stress. A proper and balanced diet in the Fall and Spring, will maintain a healthy immune system for your koi, which is important when water temperatures fluctuate and pathogens may become more prevalent.
Ultra Balance Premium Wheat Germ diet may also be fed year-round for maintaining fully mature fish or when a slower rate of growth is desired.
Ultra Balance Premium Wheat Germ diet includes Diamond V Yeast (Dried Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) to stimulate the immune system and improve the gut micro flora for a healthier digestive system.
Below 64°F (18°C) – Feed 2 to 3 times a day as much as your fish will readily consume in 5 minutes. As water temperatures become cooler, adjust feeding rates as noted below. It is recommended to feed a minimum of 2 hours before dusk to allow fish to fully digest food before water temperatures decrease.
Above 41°F (5°C) to 51°F - Feed 1 time per day or as your fish demand, but not more than what your fish will readily consume within 5 minutes. It is recommended to feed midmorning when water temperatures may be at their highest peak to ensure complete digestion of food.
For Maintenance of Mature Fish above 64°F (18°C) – Feed 2 to 3 times per day as much as fish will readily consume in 5 minutes.
For Best results never over feed. To maintain good water quality, remove all unconsumed food after feeding. For best results, adjust feed quantity and frequency accordingly to water temperature, quality, and activity level of your fish. Do not feed when water temperature is below 41°F (5°C). It is recommended to feed when your dissolved oxygen levels exceed 4 ppm.
For water temperatures 64°F (18°C) and above, feed our Ultra Balance Premium All Season diet for optimum growth.
Formulated for water temperatures above 41°F (5°C)
Ultra Balance Premium Wheat Germ diet is a complete nutritionally balanced diet to improve digestibility, keeping ammonia excretion to a minimum and promoting improved water quality. With added natural color enhancers and the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals this diet may be fed year -round to maintain overall body condition of fully mature fish.